What Documents Do I Need To Receive A Court Ordered DUI Evaluation?

Prior to receiving a DUI Evaluation, All Illinois DUI offenders are required to present their “Court Purposes Driving Abstract” and either their “Law Enforcement Sworn Report” or “Notice of Summary Suspension/Revocation.” No licensed DUI Evaluator is able to provide you a DUI Evaluation without you presenting these documents.

Your Court Purposes Driving Abstract is essential to conducting your DUI Evaluation. Your driving history is a significant factor to your assigned risk rating that you will receive after completing your DUI Evaluation. Specifically, prior DUI conviction(s), supervision, or a DUI that was reduced to “Reckless Driving” will increase your risk rating. Such risk ratings are automatically assigned and there is nothing a DUI Evaluator can do to prevent a risk rating that is primarily received as a result of a prior DUI arrest. Please observe the DUI Risk Ratings within this website’s menu options. Your Illinois Court Purposes Driving Abstract can be obtained online at www.cyberdriveillinois.com or in-person at any Illinois DMV.

The Law Enforcement Sworn Report and Notice of Summary Suspension highlight information that is paramount to completing your DUI Evaluation. For example, these above mentioned documents detail the official date and time of your arrest, including BAC/THC levels, or your refusal to submit to chemical testing. Please note, you do not have to submit both of these documents. All DUI Evaluators are required to view, photograph, and record one of these mentioned documents prior to completing your DUI Evaluation. There is a strong probability that you received at least one of these documents during your arrest. However, if a “DUI Kit” was performed (blood/urine test) at a hospital, you will have to present the indicated chemical test results from the Illinois State Police forensic lab or the hospital that processed your specimen. Your Law Enforcement Sworn Report can be retrieved from your attorney, the State’s Attorney, or the Clerk of the Court. You can also request your Law Enforcement Sworn Report from the Illinois Secretary of State.

If you need assistance with obtaining these documents, please do not hesitate to call us at (708) 267-8471. We know this process can be overwhelming and intimidating. Rogerian Solutions is committed to assisting you with gaining compliance with the court and/or restoring your driving privileges by providing you with the services you may need.

Out of State DUI Arrest

First and foremost, if your DUI charge is still actively pending in court, you will need to receive authorization from that court to have your DUI/DWI/OWI evaluation conduct by an Illinois Licensed DUI Evaluator. Second, depending on where you have held a driver’s license, you will need to obtain a Certified Driving Record (Out of State) and/or Court Purposes Driving Abstracts from the State of Illinois. You will also need to obtain official documentation that was submitted to the court that contains your official time and date of your arrest, including chemical test results or refusal of testing. Each State names these documents differently and there are several documents that can be obtained to assist you with providing this needed information in order to have your DUI Evaluation conducted in Illinois. It is in the best interest of an individual with an out of state DUI/DWI/OWI arrest to work with a licensed evaluator that has experience performing DUI Evaluations for individuals arrested for DUI/DWI/OWI outside of Illinois. Speaking with an Evaluator that has experience performing these type of Evaluations will assist you in your process with obtaining a properly conducted evaluation and gaining compliance with the court and/or restoring driving privileges.

Please note: All Licensed DUI Evaluators are required to review and record these documents prior to conducting your DUI Evaluation. Rogerian Solutions is committed to providing you with high quality care and services!

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